Bayeux Tapestry Style Broad axe
This impressive broad axe is styled after numerous examples found throughout western Europe but perhaps the style most famously appears on the Bayeux Tapestry, showing craftsmen preparing ships for William The Conqueror's invasion of Britain in 1066.
This 11.5" wide hewing axe was meticulously hand forged from 3 separate pieces of steel, using faithful techniques from the period. Weighing under 3 pounds, this is a very light broad axe of this width when compared to more modern designs.
Single bevelled, with a slight twist to the eye making this particular axe more inclined to right-handed use, the blade has a graceful curve- a feature often overlooked in broad axes, but essential to making them function properly. The curve allows the axe to enter and exit the cut easily, creating a slight scalloping effect on the surface of the log being hewn.
This tool is for Shipbuilders, Timber framers, re-enacters or the modern practitioner with an eye for old style tools.
You must be over 18 years old to buy this product, please be prepared to provide proof of age at point of purchase.